Jacob Green

Jacob Green


Market: Raleigh-Durham
Region: Southeast

B.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University

Five years of experience in the life sciences industry working on CAPEX, OPEX, and Tech Transfer projects as a Project Manager, Controls Engineer, and Portfolio Manager. Majority of my experience is in the Gene & Cell Therapy market. I have supported Site and Global level projects.

What excites you about being a mentor?
What excites me about being a mentor is being able to share my experiences and knowledge with others as well as sharing how to grow as a professional.

What are you looking for in a mentee?
I am looking for my mentee to be candid about their professional aspirations and to be able to receive constructive feedback.

Hobbies/Fun Facts:
A few of my hobbies are hunting, exploring the outdoors, playing sports, traveling, and playing with my dog. A fun fact about me is as a kid I once fell into a duck pond after being chased by a goose for the bread I was feeding them.