Ben Kingscott

Ben Kingscott

Sr. Consultant I

Market: New Jersey
Region: Northeast

Queen’s University, Engineering Physics

TEDx QueensU – Codirector: Led a team of 30 full-time members organizing all aspects of the TEDxQueensU Conference, focusing on sustainability and brand enhancement while aligning with the organizations values. Project Farma: Supported the BMS Summit West Site for 3 years. Initially driving Job Plan Assessments and equipment criticality assessments. Currently supporting management of various capital expansion projects (Mfg. Training Lab construction, LN2 Capacity Expansion, Patient Throughput Expansion, Locker Room and Transitional Space Upgrades).

What excites you about being a mentor?
I enjoy getting to know my fellow work colleagues. My mentors have been incredibly influential in the growth I have experienced at Project Farma and am looking forward to hopefully paying the favor forward.

What are you looking for in a mentee?
I’m hoping my Mentee to be self driven, willing to step outside of their comfort zone and most importantly enjoy the conversations we will have.

Hobbies/Fun Facts:
I live by the Jersey Shore, enjoy surfing, fishing, bike riding anything that involves the sun, warm weather and the beach!