Spencer Sather

Sr. Manager I

Market: San Diego
Region: West Coast

BS, Biochemistry – UC Santa Barbara

QC In-Process and Final Product, Genentech 2014 – 2019, QC Analytical Technical Services & Raw Materials, Kite Pharma 2019 – 2021, PF 2021 – Present

What excites you about being a mentor?
I really enjoy the opportunity to problem solve with mentees and get them to think about their development and daily challenges from a different perspective. There were plenty of things that I struggled through my first 10 years in industry and it’s always nice to pay it forward and help younger team members avoid the same pitfalls.

What are you looking for in a mentee?
Comes prepared with questions and topics to discuss. Engages in dialogue and is willing to look critically at situations and their role in them.

Hobbies/Fun Facts:
I like golf.